It was quite a year. Got a chance to catch up on lots of projects. I had a few challenges I wanted to complete, and UFO’s. I finished 36 quilts, including 25 UFO’s!!! That feels good. Now if I could just do it for 10 more years! Here there are!

An alternative 9 patch
I was in a Challenge to make 10 – 9 patch squares per month for 9 months. Then 9 of us exchanged blocks. Not everyone did them all, so in the end, I had 72 blocks to play with. I like the Storm-at-Sea curvy feel so I made many more 9 patches and put it together. It looked great the colours worked; other’s liked it, but I just found it a little boring. I cut out a Sploop, turned it, and put it back in. I added an undulating outline and put it back in. I really like it now
When Mary Pal came to Calgary, I was so excited to learn her method. Last year, I finally finished all the projects I started in her class:

The first two are my husband, Dale , and his father, Jim.
The other ones are Mary’s Designs; they are exercises we did in class.
We also tried making a leaf – her first exercise. I did some more leaves to enter a SAQA Show.
I call it “Colours of Canada”.

Colours of Canada
My group SPECTRA mounted a show called “COMMUNICATION”. This is what I entered; I names them “Sharing”, “Listening”, “Peace’ and “Love.”

I always enter my quilts at The “Festival of Quilts” at Heritage Park in Calgary. It’s a good way for me to keep track of what quilts I did over the year. I also like to enter their challenge if I can. This year it was pineapple quilts, so it was a good excuse to finish some UFO’s. Here’s a couple:

The first is a combination of some of my Dad’s ties and some silk I had. The blocks are pretty small, but I loved doing it. The next one started as a friendship block with my guild “The Silver Thimbles in Northwest Calgary. Some people struggled, but they turned out well.
We had a couple of family weddings this year. They were both in Ontario so we ended up watching them virtually. My nephew Braden married Leah and they picked pink, grey and navy blue for their colours. They also liked the Storm-at-Sea/Snail’s Trail. My niece, Emily married Leighton, but they couldn’t decide so I did one of those Giant Dream Big by Hoffman (103″ X 103″). The Quilting was challenging, but, again, it was a good challenge for me.

We had a new grandson born during the pandemic, plus a couple of other babies:

I finished two quilts for the Fibre Arts Network (FAN). The theme was Threads of Hope. The challenge was to use a red fabric which hit both sides at 3″. Here is the “Never Ending Thread” and “Threads of Communication”:

Quilt Canada always has the Trend Tex challenge; this year the theme was “20/20 Vision” and there was a green challenge called “Gateway to Adventure”.

Signs of Christmas
This was a Advent Calendar started in 1996. It’s a Meadow Lily Bridge Pattern. I only found 7 blocks. I probably lost the rest in the flood in 2013. Anyway, I decided to put it together. And here it is.

This is our friend Dave who passed away in 2020. His kids commissioned me to do a portrait for Dave’s wife and then she asked my husband to frame it. This is the photo to quilt to finished piece.

After the Calgary flood in 2013, the City started repairing roads, parks, buildings, etc. For three years I drove the intersection on the TransCanada and Sarcee Trail. I had some Pakistani silk so I decided to make a quilt I named “Chaos”. In 2020, I fixed it up and submitted it to the “Crossroads” show at Grand National.

Inside My Diamond
This is the Elizabeth Pattern from MJ Kinman. I had a really fun time choosing my colours. Not quite she had in mind but MJ doesn’t mind. A fun way to paper piece from the front.
The pandemic caused us to really appreciate the nurses and doctors and frontline workers. There was a call to entry for a show for the Peter Lougheed Centre “PLC: From the Front Line to the Drawing Line“. My niece, Hailey, and my friend, Stephanie, both worked there so I made three quilts to enter.

This is the one they liked and eventually ended up in the show. It’s Hailey all masked and gowned up.

Bumbleberry Lane from Traditional Pastimes, Calgary Manhole cover, Four layer fish – from a demo I did, Tin Lizzie on deconstructed cotton, Mewtwo for Harrison’s birthday, Placemats for my brother and sister-in-law.
It was a great year for trying new things, finishing old things, trying new techniques and entering challenges and shows. I’m looking forward to another year of catching up. Let me know what you’ve been doing through this year of Isewlation.